The word “Item” may be the perfect pronoun. It defines all thing without any hint of identifying the subject or gender. I struggled for some time with the idea that visual elements, in an abstract setting, need not be representative (Non-Personification). The solution was to use the term “items”. When defined this way, the ascending color elements in these works invite the viewer to choose whether or not impose their own definition, enabling the experience to be metaphoric or purely visual. While this creates a challenge for the viewer, it also greatly personalizes the experience. Items will be my retreat, the place where I go when I need to paint but am hesitating on new directions. This will be my unending well.
(If you wish to understand how works are priced, please visit the “Pricing Originals” page.)
Seventeen Items Seeking Order
- Seventeen Items Seeking Order -Day One
- Seventeen Items Seeking Order -Day Two
- Seventeen Items Seeking Order -Day Three
- Seventeen Items Seeking Order -Day Four
- MJ Stumpf – Sept. 2015
This first version of the “Seventeen Items” series poses the question of what is truly being sought when, in a group dynamic, order is being sought. While order is in theory a desirable attribute for any gathering (be they family members or nation states), the order being sought must be clearly defined. If it is not, then the items seeking such order will inevitably seek not “true” order, but order that is most to their specific desire. The end is that there is not an end, only a continual seeking through time, evolution, and shifting political positions. The Alternative: Having consensus around a plan, a vision, an understanding of what that “order” will be. Otherwise the future will just be an unending sequence of “One Item Seeking Order”.
Each of the four painting in this series is 40″ x 60″ and priced at $2442.
Five Items in Unison
- Five Items in Unison, No.1
- Five Items in Unison, No.2
- Five Items in Unison, No.3
- Five Items in Unison, No.4
- Five Items in Unison, No.5
The 5 works in this first “Five items in Unison” series were among the first works done upon my return to the canvas during the fall of 2014. The fact that I was experimenting as I worked to relearn the Ascending Color method is evident in the inconsistent utilization of paint and impasto. Each work is 16″x20″ and priced at $792 each or $3750 for the series.
Three Heretical Items Contained
- Three Heretical Items Contained Part 1
- Three Heretical Items Contained Part 2
Three Heretical Items is a statement on how, in our daily lives, we all {metaphorically} try to force two dimensional objects to occupy three dimensional space, often with undesired results. The designs were decidedly intended to be a representation of our modern human condition, a place where we all seem to equally spend time as the contained and the containers. It is inevitably the everyday conflicts that we required to see ourselves on both sides of. 76×40 priced at $5280 each.
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